5 November 2013

Looking on the bright side of life

This is a story about identical twin boys. One of them was a cheerful, outgoing optimist. He had a positive outlook on life and always looked on the bright of things. His brother, however, was a sad, unhappy pessimist. He had a negative outlook on life.The parents were very worried because they could not understand how identical twins could be so different and so they decided to take the boys to visit the local doctor.
The doctor spoke to the boys and the parents and then suggested a plan of action to try to lift the spirits of the sad child. He organized for the boys to be placed in separate rooms.The pessimist was placed in a brightly-painted room, filled with all sorts of wonderful, interesting toys, while the optimist was placed in a dull, unpainted room half filled with a large amount of horse manure.The doors were closed and the boys were left alone for an hour.
When the time was up, the parents opened the door into the brightly-painted room.To their dismay, the pessimist was sitting, crying, exactly where they had left him, the toys untouched.When asked why he was crying, he sobbed,“ I don’t have anyone to play with!”
The parents then approached the second door through which they could hear loud shouting and whistling. Anxiously,they threw open the door and, to their amazement, they found their son running wildly around the room, yelling, whistling and throwing handfuls of the horse manure into the air.“What are you doing?” they asked.
“Well," replied the excited little boy, “with all this horse manure lying around, I guess there’s got to be a pony hiding in this room and I’m going to find him!”
If we have a positive attitude, difficulties are easier to overcome.

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