23 October 2013

A story of Determination

This story is often told about the world-famous pianist, Jan Paderewski. He was once asked by a fellow musician if he could be ready, at very short notice, to take over and play a difficult piece of music at a concert because the pianist  who was supposed to play had suddenly fallen ill.
“I am always ready. I have practised eight hours every day for forty years to be ready,” replied Paderewski.
The other pianist said,  “I wish I had been born with such determination.”
Paderewski replied, “We are all born with it. I just use mine.”

Ignacy Jan Paderewski (1860- 1941) is one of the most important and cherished
figures of Polish history. Not only was he an accomplished pianist but he was a composer, politician and statesman. He is one of the greatest personalities in the cultural and political scenes not only in Poland, but indeed the world.

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