16 September 2013

The lion, the bear and the fox.

A Lion and a Bear captured a Kid at the same moment, and began to fight fiercely for its possession. The battle was long and fierce and gasping for breath and severely wounded they both had to lie down exhausted with fatigue.  
A Fox, who had been watching them all this time from a distance, thought it was the perfect moment to approach as he saw them lying down too weak to move. He ran in between them and seized the Kid in an instant, and ran off with it 
as fast as he could. The Lion and the Bear saw him, but not being able to get up, had to watch helplessly.  
One said to the other: “How foolish we proved ourselves to be for not having shared the prey in a friendly way. Now we have nothing left, while the Fox will enjoy a great meal.”

Moral of the tale
Those who have all the toil do not always get the profit.

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