15 September 2013

One Smile

One Sunday afternoon a girl was walking home from Church when she smiled at a stranger who was feeling very sad. The
smile seemed to make the man feel better because it reminded him of a friend who had
once been kind to him and had sent him a gift to cheer him up. He returned home and wrote the friend a thank-you letter and asked him how he was doing. The friend was very pleased to get the thank you letter and it put him in such a good mood that later that day he left a large tip for the waitress who had served him his
lunch.  The waitress walked out of the restaurant and gave a few coins to a man on the street, who was so grateful, because for two days he’d had nothing  to eat. After he finished his dinner, the homeless man went back to the hostel where he was staying. On the way, he picked up a shivering puppy and took him home to get warm.  That night, the hostel where he was staying caught on fire.The puppy barked
and woke everyone up, and saved them all from harm. One of the young boys that was saved from the fire, grew up to be a famous soccer player.
All this happened because of a simple smile that hadn’t cost anybody a cent!
The moral of the story is:
It is the little things that can make such a difference to others and to ourselves; simple things such as a smile, a kind word, a gentle touch, caring for others and sharing with others. Let us do more of these things every day.

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