28 August 2013

The Peacock and the Turtle

A peacock and a turtle lived on the banks of a river and became good friends. One day a hunter came along and caught the peacock. The peacock pleaded with the hunter. 'Please, let me say goodbye to my friend the turtle. I cannot leave without saying goodbye.' The hunter granted the peacock's request. The turtle did not want to lose his friend and offered the hunter an expensive pearl in return for the freedom of the peacock. The hunter accepted the pearl and the peacock was free to go. He went to live out on an island so he could not be caught again. A few days later the hunter came back and said: 'I am going to catch that peacock again, unless you bring me another one of those pearls, exactly the same.' The turtle said: 'Ok, I will do that, because I love my friend. Give me the first pearl and I will dive and find you one exactly the same'. The hunter gave the pearl to the turtle, who swam away to the island where the peacock lived. He never returned and the hunter was left with nothing.

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