27 August 2013

The Little Bird.

After God had finished creating the animals, they went walking and jumping and swimming about and having great fun.
All of them, that is except for the birds who were feeling very cross and disgruntled.  They shuffled from place to place moaning and complaining to everyone they met. 'Why has God placed this heavy burden on our shoulders' they asked everyone they met. 'No other animal has this burden. Why have we got these heavy awkward  things hanging from our shoulders?' they complained.
'Why us? Why has God punished us?' they asked sadly. 
Finally one of the more adventurous birds began to wriggle those awkward things on his shoulders and to his amazement and delight he began to fly!
The birds discovered that the very things that they had considered to be a terrible burden actually made it possible for them to fly--- and no other animal could fly! so they realised then that what had appeared at first glance to be an enormous burden, had turned out to be a most precious gift.

Moral of the story
Life will always present us with difficulties, but in overcoming these problems, we grow and develop and become better, stronger and more able to cope with the next crisis that comes along.

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