30 August 2013

The Puppy and the Boy.

A pet shop owner placed a sign that read 'Puppies for Sale' in the front window of his store. Soon a little boy entered the store, pointed to the sign and asked, 'How much are you selling the puppies for?'
The owner replied, 'Anywhere between £30 and £50.'
The little boy reached into his pocket and pulled out a few coins. 'I have £3.75. May I please look at them?' he asked.
The store owner smiled, whistled, and out of the kennels at the back, came Lady, who ran down the aisle of the store, followed by five teeny, tiny balls of fur. One of the puppies lagged quite a long way behind the others. The little boy immediately went up to the slow puppy which seemed to have a limp.
'What's wrong with this one?' he asked.
The store owner explained that he had been born without a hip socket and would always limp and would not be able to run and jump as well as other dogs.
Surprisingly the little boy became very excited and said, 'that is the puppy that I want to buy.'
'I can't sell him to you', said the owner. 'However, if you really want him, you can have him for nothing.'

At this the little boy became quite upset. He looked straight into the owner's eyes, pointed at the puppy without the hip socket and stated, 'I don't want you to him to me. That little dog is worth as much as all the other puppies and I want to pay full price for him. In fact, I'll give you £3.75 now and £2.00 a month until he is paid for.'
'Are you sure? He'll never be able to play with you like other dogs,' said the owner.
At these words, the little boy reached down, rolled up his left trouser leg and revealed his badly twisted leg, which was supported by a heavy metal brace.
'I don't run and jump myself and this little puppy will need someone who understands!'

Moral of the story
Accepting differences is more than just tolerating difference – accepting difference is when you recognize and respect people who are different to
you, but also embrace their differences and see 
what you can learn from them.

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